Dentures are removable replacements for missing teeth and surrounding tissues. We offer two types of dentures at MI Roots Family Dental: partial and complete dentures. Dr. Joseph Szymczak will use a partial denture when some of your natural teeth remain. Alternatively, he will use complete dentures to replace all your teeth entirely. One of the biggest benefits of dentures is that they are made to resemble your natural teeth so there is hardly any noticeable change in your appearance.

If you are missing a number of your teeth, you will often have trouble speaking and eating as you had previously. Our dentist will use complete dentures to restore your smile and maintain proper function in situations where no teeth remain. A partial denture is used when one or more natural teeth still remain in the upper or lower jaw. A fixed partial denture functions the same as a removable denture, but it is cemented into place using neighboring teeth for support.

In each case, Dr. Szymczak will customize each denture to resemble the appearance and position of your natural teeth so you have as little trouble as possible adjusting to the prosthetic. Because your mouth may change over time, most dentures are removable and may require adjustments in order to create a proper fit with the gums and mouth.

If you are curious about dentures in Grand Rapids, Michigan, call our friendly team today at 616-453-0002. We are happy to help you and your smile.