Contact Sport Athletes with Braces Should Use a Quality Mouthguard

Contact Sport Athletes with Braces Should Use a Quality Mouthguard

The braces installed by your orthodontist, Dr. Joseph Szymczak, are designed to be durable enough to handle the regular wear and tear of eating most basic foods. This durability does not extend to the potential blows to the face that can occur during rigorous athletics and contact sports. Complications during these instances can pose a serious threat to your braces... read more »

All You Need to Know About ADA Oral Hygiene Products

If you are looking for a perfect oral hygiene product at the store, our MI Roots Family Dental team has a helpful tip for you! If you choose a product, whether it’s a toothbrush, toothpaste, mouthwash, etc., that has the American Dental Association’s seal of acceptance on it, you have chosen the best product for your smile. The Seal of... read more »