Do You Experience Any of the Following Symptoms of Bruxism?

Do You Experience Any of the Following Symptoms of Bruxism?

Did you know that you could be damaging your teeth while you sleep? This condition, referred to as bruxism, is the result of grinding and gnashing your teeth as you sleep, which over time can seriously damage your teeth and gums. The difficulty with bruxism is that it is often hard to know you suffer from it because it takes... read more »

Ways To Stop A Thumb-Sucking Habit In Your Child

Thumb-sucking, when done vigorously or by children over the age of four, can become a harmful habit. The force of the sucking affects the shape of a child’s growing mouth and the alignment of incoming permanent teeth. So what can you do to stop your child’s habit so they won’t damage their teeth and mouth? Cover their hand when they... read more »