Soft Drinks and Oral Hygiene

Soft Drinks and Oral Hygiene

Sweetened beverages, juice and soft drinks are very popular. Unfortunately drinking sweetened beverages on a regular basis can lead to many negative side effects to your oral health. The added sugar in your mouth increase bacteria and plaque development which then increases the chances of developing tooth decay and gum disease. The acidic nature of these beverages also can lead... read more »

What You Can Do About Your Sensitive Teeth

Instead of suffering from your sensitive teeth, why not finally treat the problem and go back to living a normal, everyday life? Tooth sensitivity is a painful, inconvenient, and bothersome condition that is very common nowadays. It generally occurs when the gums pull back from your teeth, expose your roots, and allow easy access to the tooth nerves. Other things... read more »

How to Protect Your Teeth from Wear

If you care for your teeth properly they can last a lifetime. This includes brushing, flossing, and visiting your dentist every six months for our routine cleaning. But, even if you do all of these things, there may still be more you can do. Your teeth can often be affected by typical wear and tear—but we’re happy to give you... read more »

Get Your Fill On Fillings

One of your teeth has developed a cavity. Even if your tooth doesn’t hurt, it is important to treat this cavity as soon as possible to prevent other problems from developing, such as an abscess. However, before your cavity is treated, speak with your dentist about the different types of fillings available. Your dentist will determine the best one for... read more »

What Are Dental Sealants?

Dental sealants are comprised of a thin, plastic material that is painted onto the chewing surfaces of the molars (back teeth). Sealants provide a protective coating that helps to preserve tooth enamel and prevent tooth decay. The Problem The molars have deep depressions that are uneven and bumpy, making them difficult to clean well — especially for children. These pits... read more »